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Thread #136122   Message #3109793
Posted By: Will Fly
08-Mar-11 - 02:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
Numbers please - let's have some hard facts - and not some just culled from the Daily Mail. Real scale of the problem?

Have you been reading about the furore over the latest disability tests - run just on a computer by a French firm? Very recently ondemned by an investigative group of MPs.

Typical example: man is judged as "having some sight problems but is fit to work". The man is blind.

Typical example: man has terminal multiple sclerosis - totally incapacitated - judged "fit for work".

These are two single examples of a government system not working. So - think on this: Before you start applauding systems and measures to deal with the "scum", be aware who exactly the "scum" are and what the real problems are. You never know - at some point in time they might be your own nearest and dearest.

This is neither a left-wing nor a right-wing point of view. It's the point of view of someone who's had extensive dealings with government agencies through Labour and Conservative regimes - particularly on the governmental, statistical front - and I can tell you that I'm bloody well unimpressed with their common sense and their capacity to do things properly and justly. And there's no evidence, so far that, for all his posturing - just like Blair's posturing - Cameron has any ability to think clearly about it.