The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136071   Message #3110088
Posted By: Fossil
08-Mar-11 - 10:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lady Gaga?
Subject: RE: BS: Lady Gaga?
Thanks to all - have learned some interesting things about Lady Gaga, but only a very few people seem to have addressed the original question which was - leaving aside the question of Lady GG as a performer, whether her music, showmanship, performance art or whatever it is, is any good - it surely isn't folk, or blues music, *which is what the Cat's about*. Isn't it?

In short, do ads for "pop" genres have a place within these hallowed halls, or not?

Max's economics, I guess say yes, anyone who can ante up whatever the fee is (probably not a lot by Lady G's standards) can take an ad on the site and why not? I have a lot of sympathy for this point of view, mitigated by comments below.

Others might say in addition (and some have) that the 'Cat is a *music* site, and anyone who's a musician and a performer should be given space here. I don't totally disagree with this point of view either, but think we are stretching the definition a bit far in the case in question.

Other - purists - might say that the "cat is in danger of losing its way a bit and that some effort should be made to match the ad content to the expressed interests of the site's participants. How this would be done I have no idea, but couldn't it be considered?