The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136048   Message #3110094
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
08-Mar-11 - 10:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Exercise & Declutter March 2011 - Roar!
Subject: RE: BS: Exercise & Declutter March 2011 - Roar!
Busy day, not much time online. I'm sure things are a bit stirred up in the park board, but I'm pleased that the village did a good job of looking into the encroachment, and I think we can get a process started, if I can keep people interested. That's the tough part. We need a long-range plan here and regulations about who plants what when, and how to permit such activity.

I am going to look into a way to offer some computer classes here in the village. I would charge a small fee to be sure people take it seriously and to give myself a modest profit from it, but there are a lot of people here who have questions and in the right setting, they can be answered. I just spent time helping the next door neighbor, but some of this she could have done on her own if she'd known a bit about the software and hardware. Another topic is close to the heart of this thread - decluttering via eBay. I've talked to a lot of people who would like to sell there, but don't know how. Setting up a class and asking people to bring one object they think they'd like to sell - ask them to keep it smaller than a bread box, something in good working order, or a collectible with some information, and use these as examples.

Susan is right about the closing ranks on the problem from facebook. People who had no business sticking their oar in the water did just that, and in a rude way. As if they wanted a squabble. Too bad some people just automatically think of taking the negative approach first. I'm looking at an issue in the village here that could devolve into a squabble, but I want people to take the higher moral ground, and to act the way they should because they understand why the question was raised. I'll work at that here, because it's where I live. But online, sometimes you just push back.