The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135970   Message #3110099
Posted By: Backwoodsman
08-Mar-11 - 10:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: RBS Loss and Boss who gets a bonus UK
Subject: RE: BS: RBS Loss and Boss who gets a bonus UK

It's strange, I find it difficult to get worked up about this sort of thing. Stockbrokers, traders, hedge-fund-bosses, stock-market-wheeler-dealers, call them what you will, are all just professional gamblers with a thin veneer of decency, without the eye-shades and smoky back-rooms, but with the same attitude towards cheating - it's fine if you don't get caught. I'm never surprised at the depths to which their deceitfulness and immorality will sink.

Money corrupts. The larger the amounts, the greater the extent to which the corruptible are corrupted.