The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136122   Message #3110171
Posted By: theleveller
09-Mar-11 - 04:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
My goodness, are you all still here? Well, here's a bulletin from the real world.

While Cameron and his poodle, Clegg, are running around cocking up everything they touch (notably our foreign 'policy'), sucking up to complete arsehole and paedophile supporter, Andy Windsor, and the Cabinet appears to be falling apart around their ears, here's what's going on right now in just a few areas that I happen to personally know about.

Adult Education - funding axed.
Lifelong Learning – funding axed
Back-to-work schemes – funding axed
Job creation schemes – funding axed
Mental health provision and support – funding axed
Day centres – funding axed
Police pay – about to be cut
Police numbers – already being cut
Police shifts – increased from 8 hours to 12 hours
Police rest days – chopped
Police pension provision - devastated
Victim support – funding axed

It's now being left to charitable organisations, like the Worker's Education Association, who mrsleveller works for, to try to pick up the pieces (despite their own funding cuts) and try to stop our society from falling apart.

As we always expected, it's the most vulnerable in society who are bearing the brunt of cuts, while millionaire bankers, who caused the financial crisis in the first place, continue to be rewarded with obscene salaries and bonuses. Big Society my arse – biggest load of crap I've ever heard in my life. Disintegrating Society more like.

So to all those right-wing, head-in-the-sand, selfish, blinkered, I'm-alright-Jack, Condem supporters, this is what you approve of, is it? Everyone who is too old or too ill to work or who, with unemployment topping two and a half million, simply can't find work, is a scrounger, are they – unlike you who have raped society with your greed and taken 40% handouts in tax relief on your pension contributions. Maybe when you get old, get ill, get mugged or get made redundant you might just change your minds.