The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136208   Message #3110411
Posted By: GUEST,Speen Cringe
09-Mar-11 - 11:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obsession with 'Naughty Bits'
Subject: RE: BS: Obsession with 'Naughty Bits'
Is someone's sexuality a lifestyle choice? Like what colour sofa to have in the good room or what haircut to get next? I don't think so. Is what consenting adults get up to in the bedroom news? Should it be in the public domain and should we even give a toss? I don't think so.

On the other hand, despite Ake's monomania on the topic, if it is the case that there is a disproportionate amonunt of HIV and AIDs in the gay community (and as I don't have the figures, I can't comment on how true this claim is) this is news - but it shouldn't be used a stick to beat gay men with but as a spur to get safe sex promotion back on track (I assume HIV/AIDS rates amongst lesbians is still very low). Equally, an anti-gay pastor chuffing off in a kid's playground is, however sordid, news - especially because it's an exposee of blatent hypocrisy by an outspoken public figure who makes a career out of pointing a judgemental fnger at others. I suspect if there is a god s/he gets mightily embarrassed when people like Grant Dribbles (or whatever he's called) claim to be acting as his or her representative on earth.