The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136122   Message #3111015
Posted By: Will Fly
10-Mar-11 - 07:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
...record youth unemployment... Unemployment benefits should only be paid to those that have worked and paid into the system...

Do you see the lack of joined-up thought here? The bulk of unemployed youth are between 16 and 24 - and presumably the prevalence of unemployment in that sector is owing to their leaving education and unable, as yet to get a job.

So - they can't have paid into the unemployment benefit system through not yet being able to work and would consequently - under your diktat - receive nothing through no fault of their own.

Starving on the streets is obviously OK. After all, they'll be looked after by the millions (how many millions?) of illegal immigrants who will also get no money and will also be sleeping rough. You'll be stepping over them in the street. Don't trip.

Why don't you do as Poirot does, and use your little grey cells for a moment, instead of braying about what MUST and MUSTN'T be done. Just think about society and how it's to develop sensibly - or do you believe, like a previous incumbent of No. 10 - that there's "no such thing as society"?