The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136122   Message #3111212
Posted By: theleveller
10-Mar-11 - 01:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
Well the usual brainless idiocy from Bozo who hasn't the intelligence or the initiative to put forward any form of argument when confronted with hard facts. Back to your bedsit, Bozo, you really are a straw dog.

Blackie, you're completely and, I expect, deliberately missing the point I'm making. Why, in this time of unarguable economic recession, brought upon us by the greedy financiers, should the weakest and most vulnerable be the first to suffer, closely followed by those who provide us with essential services, such as the police, fire brigade etc? Whilst, at the same time, those who got us into this mess (bankers) receive obscene bonuses? Presumably, from your comments, you think it's perfectly acceptable that essential care programmes to those with mental difficulties, the very old and the ill, and for programmes that are trying to get people into work should be amongst the first to be affected?

Please tell us, is this what you believe - becasue this is what is happening under a government composed largely of the privileged, the wealthy and the out of touch?

Now that is reality - not what it happening in Bozo and Blackshirt world.