The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136289   Message #3113255
Posted By: Donuel
13-Mar-11 - 10:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: 8.9 earthquake off Japan, tsunami 11-Mar-2011
Subject: RE: BS: 8.9 earthquake off Japan, tsunami
Reports that a C T scan is a hundred times more radiation than what is by the crippled N plants.

I say lower Anderson Cooper into reactor 3 like a tea bag now.

"this is Anderson Cooper and below me is a Nuclear power plant without its roof. I am being lowered by heli..take me up take me up its fucking hot down there! No no ...I am still being lowered into tha hot mist down here and   WHOA they just detached the wire and are flying away. Excuse me if you can;t here me through this respirator but it is really hot and Im, im i"

Ya know as soon as the President of Japan said everything was now unbder control at the Nuke Plants that is the signal to run for your life.

Once again a critical chain reaction which amounts to an atomic blast is unlikely but not impossible. When there is enough heat in a huge clump of melted fuel you do not need an initiator or an explosion to set it off. Heat alone is the catalyst.

The thrid plant that reported loss of cooling is now claimed to be a rumor because the radiation sensor was probably just picking up Fukashima radiation.