The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136122   Message #3113306
Posted By: r.padgett
14-Mar-11 - 03:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
O I thought this said Condoms get a kicking in Barnsley, which is correct of course

I am not going to add to this debate, or am I?

1 Labour in Govt were unable to control bank and mortgage lending, Governor of Bank of England totally right
2 We the people paid for Estate agents fees, Conveyance fees, Bank (High St) and Build Society fees, house repossessions which became unsustainable thro inflated house prices which will take 10 years at least to recover as well as unwise bank lending
3 As an investor I a receiving NOTHING in interest, should I not be receiving at least enough to cover inflation? I am on a fixed income (pension) on my savings??
4 Pension savings (Stock exchange and Shares holdings) are NOT wise investments and WE should not be asked to participate in the vagaries of such investments. A GOVERNMENT backed Pensions savings vehicle is needed ( a bit too early yet as UK in big trouble)
5 UK Education is and always has been a big fiddle ~ simply shifting unemployment for 14 to 16 to 18 to 21 (Olevels/GCSEs/A levels/Degrees) with the "graduates" expectations rising still ending uop pushing brushes for nowt
6 EMA is therefore a form of unemployment benefit (sorry was)
7 Job creation and wealth thro industry was written off during the Thatcher years and continues to diminish
8 Barnsley (for those living here like me) is a totally working class town, mining, sewing factories, old glass works, hot water bottles, paper mill all part of what was industry here now long gone. Note no mills so no Asian people to speak of ~ 1% of population from ethnic minorites for many years
9 BNP fed and feed upon the fears brought by the influx of Eastern Block refugees and UKraine, Azebyjain, etc (sorry about the spelling) These peope look just like us but dont speak Barnsley. Now the problem I see is that UK Govt and Local Authorities have failed to explain about these Eastern block imigrees and why they are here and in particular in Barnsley (I make no political point here! just the facts)
10 So the good people of Barnsley having seen working class jobs go are worried? of course and have others vying for their jobs, so no wonder BNP and UKIP start to geta foothold in Barnsley and that is why Mr Carman the Lib Dem thinks we in Barnsley are racist (I spoke to him during the election outside M&S by the way) I said NOTHING!!