The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136369   Message #3113855
Posted By: GUEST,999
14-Mar-11 - 09:41 PM
Thread Name: Will trad music die when we do?
Subject: RE: Will trad music die when we do?
I think you're right. A while back I did a song that went

I guess it's time for her to cross my mind again
She's dressed in midnight, and that's all

I was playing to mostly folks my age and the only person in the audience who smiled was a young bearded man.

Yes to the traditional links we have. You more than I, but that's not to say less revered.

Ya listen to "The Goodnight-Loving Trail", and it's a meeting of history, melody, lyric and genius. Older songs--the one's even YOU would call older (I think I may have a few years on you) have a way of enrapturing the mind. I worry that might all go away.