The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136369   Message #3114364
Posted By: GUEST,Dan H
15-Mar-11 - 03:11 PM
Thread Name: Will trad music die when we do?
Subject: RE: Will trad music die when we do?
As a 21 year old traditional musician, who regularily jams and performs with an ever-growing handful of twenty-something traditinal musicians I can pretty comfortably say that traditional folk music is not dying out. In fact I would say we're probably in the beginning of another folk-music rennaisence. I can remember a few years back being the only person my age into this sort of music and jamming pub sessions with irish and scottish ex-pats old enough to be my grandparents. It might be the university town I've moved to since, but now I'm starting to find it hard to find a banjo player whos over 30.

For most of the sit-down traditional concerts I play the audience is usually all twenty-somethings and my string-band regularily host university-aged dance parties that always see a good crowd come out. Also the comhaltas branch in town here has monthly set dances which are always well attended by young folk. So I don't think there is any lack of young folkies. They're just not coming out to the old-timer's jams or concerts, but thats another matter entirely.