The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136314   Message #3115052
Posted By: Donuel
16-Mar-11 - 01:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Japan Nuclear plant disaster, 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Nuclear plant disaster looming
The really wonderful news is that Fukushima is nothing like Chernobyl. You see Chernobyl blew up becasue of human error.
It did not blow up like a hydrogen bomb, it did not even blow up like an atomic bomb with incinerating heat and shock wave.
It blew up like a normal Neutron bomb. A neorton bomb is not even that loud. In fact it leaves buildings cars and airplanes intact. A neutron bomb will leave most of the flora a fauna alive to flourish.
It is however not recommended for people.

The only real danger from Fukushima are the people who spread panic and rumor. Deadly rumors and panic will result in tradgedies such as damaging the supply of electronic parts which you use in your I phones, i pads and other devices. Trash talk about radiation could even hurt the production of Toyota, Lexus, Honda and Nissan. Do you want that? What if you need a part one day?

Smart people have everything under control. Human error is not possible in an advanced technilogical and polite proud society like Japan. So no more panic talk becasue it will only hurt products you use. In factdoing the opposite of traxh talking the cleansafe nuclear industry can be very profitable. Lobbyists in DC can make a quarter million dollars a year talking new Cngressmen into accepting contribution to further Nuclear Licensing programs and liniting harful regulations.

One can even make good money by saying nice things about nuclear energy while attacking the frightened ignorant cowards who are yelling about ficticious dangers of nuclear energy . By posting pro nuclear comments on 400 internet sites a day, one can make a good piece of change. is more than happy to screen potential friends.

So instead of wasting valuable time on this morbid thread lets all do something fun; ie Joke thread,