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Thread #136420   Message #3115828
Posted By: Amergin
17-Mar-11 - 01:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Subject: RE: BS: 2012 Presidential Election in the states you have two parties....both have their hands are paid off to do the bidding of mega corporations....All any one does anymore is to vote for what they deem to be the lesser of two evils...and yet you blindly sit back and say voting brings change. It doesn't. Where is the change? Where are the jobs? The economy is in the toilet...Obama thought change meant bringing back the same crooks that were in the Clinton Administration, and to keep on many of the thugs from the Bush II regime. How is that change?

We hear about change in the two houses of Congress, how things will get better if we vote for the liar that's running, whether he be elephant or ass. Yet nothing ever truly is. Have you ever wondered why the democrats do not fight for the things they profess to believe in, beyond a token response? It is because they are paid off. The republicans fight for what they say they believe in....or at least what they are paid to by their masters.

Jack London was right.