The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136442   Message #3116009
Posted By: Little Hawk
17-Mar-11 - 05:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Anon Trolls Exposed!
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Anon Trolls Exposed!
Never mind about Guests! What about fully-fledged members here who are in reality mere CIA sock puppets or who have been co-opted and are secretly on the payroll of both government and private industry to make posts that:

1. spread vile $ySStem propaganda

2. promote rank specist stereotypes, such as calling an ape a "monkey" or talking about "poopflinging"

3. slander talented individuals like William Shatner

4. criticize Dacshunds, and assert that Weimaraners are better

5. make endless excuses for Barack Obama's lack of effectiveness in office

6. keep bringing up that unfortunate shoplifting incident, instead of recognizing all the good stuff that Winona Ryder has done in film...

These reprehensible agents provocateurs are not Guests! They're members! They need to be ferreted out and driven from our midst. I suggest we form a Vigilance Committee and expose their heinous activities for all to see...then force them to recant or be defenestrated.