The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136446   Message #3117131
Posted By: Ebbie
19-Mar-11 - 03:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another View of Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Another View of Religion
Guest/lively, you say: "Topics such as Philosophy and World Mythology should be compulsory at Junior School to encourage imaginative exploration of all kinds of ideas, including those of our world religions."

Do you realize what would be the immediate reaction in the education system in the US? The religious - not necessarily, the religious right - would take their children out of public schools forthwith. They are already worried about what they perceive as the morally bankrupt state of our country as evidenced in our schools.

Courses such as 'World Mythology' would be offered in school on the same basis as 'Religous Education' is today, allowing parents to opt out.