The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136442   Message #3117817
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
20-Mar-11 - 07:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Anon Trolls Exposed!
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Anon Trolls Exposed!
"By the Bye, The Fooles Troupe, are you and individual or a group posting under a unified name? "

The Fooles Troupe web page explains about all the voices in my head, I think, rather well ... I, Robin, am just merely The Scribe, who recounts the Tales of The Fooles Troupe....

When the Schizophrenic manager at work managed to convince upper management that I should visit the Shrink, we had a little chat, then he asked me "Do you hear voices in your head?"

I said "Yes!"

So we then had this nice conversation ...

When did you first start hearing these voices?

As young as I can remember.

Do you still hear them?

Yes, I can hear them right now.

Are these voices coming from inside your head, or outside?

Well at first I used to think they must be coming from outside, but now I am sure that they are all inside my head.

What do the voices day?

Well, the good voices usually tell me to do good things, and the bad voices tell me to do bad things, but sometimes theygood seem to get confused and the good voices tell me to do bad things, and even the bad voices tell me to do good things, and sometimes they just argue with each other, and I don't don't what they really want me to do.

He was very interested now.

So how many voices are there?

Well, I used to think there were lots, but now I think that it's just really all the once voice.

He leaned forward on his chair "So who do you think this voice is?"

Oh, it's just me.


Very soon, I was standing outside his office, in the hallway ...

Management subsequently sent me for very expensive IQ tests, the type personally administered by a trained psychologist, and to which 'there are no wrong answers'....

The result was - _+5 SD ... that's 3 in 100,000 .... :-)

The psycho manager then claimed that I had 'faked the test to pretend I was smarter than I really was'...

They promoted him out of my hair ....