The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136506   Message #3117904
Posted By: Mark Ross
20-Mar-11 - 09:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
The way I heard it (about the seagulls that is) , after the voracious birds had finished vanquishing the hordes of hungry locusts, they were flying over Salt Lake City heading back to the lake. As they passed overhead (over Brigham Young's domicile) one of them chanced to let loose with some digestive muck that had passed through its system, landing on Amelia, Brigham's 24th wife. She immediately turned to Elder Young, demanding that he run into the house and get some tissue to wipe off the offending stain. Brigham Young replied, "Why Amelia, by the time I get back with some tissue that bird will be halfway to Ogden!"

Mark Ross