The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136506   Message #3117956
Posted By: Little Hawk
20-Mar-11 - 11:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
I see absolutely no harm in some state having an official state handgun (or other type of gun) if they want to, but it's a cool opportunity for a lot of noisy outrage in certain quarters, a simply glorious chance to slag off one's favorite demons on the unspeakable Right and demonstrate one's idealistic fervor for all to see, so let's glory in this opportunity and make the most of it, shall we? ;-D The coolest thing of all is, you can post links to photos of the despised Sarah Palin toting various firepower and looking spunky while she does it, and if that doesn't get your adrenalin pumping and send your outrage meter rocketing happily to the top of the scale, nothing will.

Just think: if Utah hadn't done it, you wouldn't be having all this fun right now.