The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136442   Message #3118024
Posted By: Little Hawk
21-Mar-11 - 03:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Anon Trolls Exposed!
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Anon Trolls Exposed!
I've had a chance to try out both socialism and capitalism, and I like them both just reasonable measure, and in combination with one another. What I don't like is militarism, absolutism, authoritarianism, and unreasonable measure.

A corporation has become, legally speaking, an immortal legal entity that lives forever as long as someone's there who's willing to run it, and its only purpose is, like any living feed itself (meaning to make money)...and to survive and hopefully become more prosperous. Therefore it does everything possible to reach for that ever enlarging goal of making MORE money.

This is also what nation states do. They try to survive and grow richer.

The people come and go, they die off like flies, and more are born, but the corporation or the nation goes on and on, barring some catastrophe which destroys them completely and puts something else in their place (another corporation or another political regime).

It's easy to see that the people have become subordinate to these artificial ideas they invented: the nation state and the corporation. These ideas they once invented to serve them have turned the tables on them, because the people now serve the nation state and they serve the corporation. Both use them until they're too old, then let them die, and enslave the next generation that comes along.

This does not result in a free people, it results in slavery. But it's not immediately evident, because the slave is given enough toys and money and entertainment to think he's doing pretty well, and he can always look to other slaves who are far worse off than he is.

One difference, though. The corporation and the nation state have no heart. They have no soul. They feel no pain. They experience no love or compassion. They aren't even really alive. But they act as if they were alive, and the courts treat them as if they were alive, and they devour the Earth and its people. This has happened under both socialism and capitalism, but I think it's reached its peak under corporatism.