The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136446   Message #3118054
Posted By: Jim Carroll
21-Mar-11 - 05:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Another View of Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Another View of Religion
You appear to be missing the point.
I have worked with Christians, mostly Catholics , all my musical life.
Some of those peaople have been the kindest, gentlest, most wonderful people I have ever met, and this goes for members of my own family - also Catholics.
I have no doubt that (especially with the older generation), their religion played a major part in making them the people they are/were.
On the other hand, I have a great problem in equating these people with the behaviour of, say, Father Brendan Smyth, the serial paedophile rapist priest, who, to me, doesn't deserve to be counted as being from the same species, let alone the same faith.
Perhaps it's time you took a closer look at the damage that has been, and is still being done to religion by your own church instead of reiterating that YOU ARE NOT LIKE THAT.
Whatever my own personal views on religion might be, I know that you are not like that, but there are many of those who are the public face of your church WHO ARE EXACTLY LIKE THAT.
Jim Carroll