The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136442   Message #3118339
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
21-Mar-11 - 12:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Anon Trolls Exposed!
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Anon Trolls Exposed!
Foole, I just read your posts, and it is apparent that you just make up stuff, and then declare yourself judge and jury, over what you make up, and how people respond to it. That's nuts, and if anyone read them again, they'd see that you are embarrassing yourself, and showing what a closed small mind you have.

Guest 999: "The 'libs' over here LOVE big government."
That's bullshit. I'm a Lib and I detest government big or small for the most part."

Maybe you are less 'lib' than you thought you were! I also, share your feelings about big government, but this present 'liberal-elitist' administration doesn't share those same feeling. As for me, I'm not liberal or conservative, but see merits in both, to a degree.
As I posted before, when asked, "What party are you with?" I have a standard reply, "I'M not with the party, I'm with the band!"...and also, SANE.

I think its a little pretentious to have a 'party' speak for all my heart felt sentiments, but I sure in the hell ain't going to let them tell me what the should, or have to be!!!!!

Of all the 'isms' to pick from...I couldn't find 'Liberty' or 'Freedom', so, I'll pass, thank you!