The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136442   Message #3118494
Posted By: gnu
21-Mar-11 - 04:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Anon Trolls Exposed!
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Anon Trolls Exposed!
LH... "I would support a political initiative to move both Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland west and join them directly to the rest of the country. Newfoundland could be moved right up against Labrador,..."

I was in a meeting with the DM of Transport Canada/Surface/Sea (a Quebecer) and his entourage and a bunch of Newf politicians and their Coast Guard elite (for ferriners, all Coast Guard is Federal as is Transport canada). The head buraucrat of the Coast Guard for Newf said, at the opening of the meeting, "I read that Newfoundland is drifting closer to Quebec by 2 cm per yer. I hope we can get some funds for the dredging job before we meet up."

The Newfs and Maritimers all laughed but the Quebecers and Ottawa 'crats kinda smiled politely.

I'll continue for the sake of Canucks who know the history... there was a rather awkward pause and my boss, a New Brunswicker, spoke up and said, "Yes, what with Meech Lake and Mount Cashel, Newfoundlanders have been having politics shoved down their throats and religion shoved up their asses." There was complete silence for a tense moment and then laughter all around the conference.
Much work got done that day after the "ice was broken".