The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54095   Message #3118544
Posted By: Gurney
21-Mar-11 - 05:36 PM
Thread Name: eBay (for guitar purchase)
Subject: RE: eBay (for guitar purchase)
Not Ebay, our version is called TradeMe.
I bought three guitars, cheap ones bought very cheaply, in one week. One I liked a lot, a new-condition Jack and Danny Brothers, and two were working OK but not so good. All three Chinese-made. I fettled the two just a little bit and chopped them back out at the local folk festival, where they have a bring-and-buy. The guys who bought them were experienced players who wanted hacks. You'ld have to pay me more than the original price to get the J&D from me.

I would think carefully before buying an older guitar sight-unseen. I've learned buying other things online that it pays to carefully read the vendor's history. Between the lines as well.