The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136515   Message #3119164
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-Mar-11 - 02:25 PM
Thread Name: Who has the best voice in folk?
Subject: RE: Who has the best voice in folk?
Actually, pdq, I do think Bob Dylan had a great singing voice...from about 1961 right through to the early 90's...after that his voice lost most of its range and strength, but he had a killer voice when he was younger...absolutely powerful, visceral, and supremely effective for the material and style he was doing. Bruce Springsteen called it "the toughest voice I'd ever heard", and I tend to agree. Bob did not sing conventionally, he didn't sing to sound "pretty", but by God, he SANG! Yessiree.

I didn't bother mentioning Bob's voice before on this thread, because I knew it would just stir the usual Pavlovian responses from a lot of people who think he "can't sing", and I just didn't want to be bothered with that. ;-)

Now, as for Leonard Nimoy...and William Shatner...well, in those 2 cases you are talking about singing so extraordinary and unique that it can't really be compared to anything else except a double-decker bus being thrown through the side of the Toronto City Hall by a gigantic trebuchet...or something along that line. It's ineffable, incomprehensible, immeasurable singing, singing without peer, and it cannot be evaluated within normal reference points at all. Specially Shatner! ;-D Only an extended session of "We're Not Worthy" chanting can be considered an appropriate response.

Mrs Miller? Ummm...gee, I gotta check that out!

Chongo Chimp does NOT sing. Except maybe in the shower. He likes jazz and Big Band music a lot, though.