The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136556   Message #3119559
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
23-Mar-11 - 04:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion

Ah well, we in the West MUST have our clothes perfectly in line with the latest fashion and designer labels, you matter what the cost to others...

What do we care as we slip on our latest this or that, preen ourselves in front of our mirrors then go out feeling like those great celebritic celebraties in 'Hello' magazine...

I mean, hell, it's hard enough for us to keep up with them, isn't it? And the stress that causes us all FAR outweighs a few insignificant little people dying horrific deaths through creating our clothes..

No, I'm with Poshy Spiceywicey on this one...

She's my hero, you know...because I recall Posh once doing a charity TV appeal..She went over to Brazil and spent time with a little lassie who lived and worked on one of the rubbish dumps in the city...Lordy this child was filthy! I mean, did her mother never wash her??? Honestly! HOW Posh could have beared to have sat next to her I've no idea, but WHAT a hero she was to do it...


Poor Poshy got all fired up and then went into meltdown, because she thought this smelly little urchin led a terrible life..and I recall the pitiful sight of Posh, tears flowing down her cheeks, words coming straight from her dearest heart, about how much her own children had, compared to this dirty 'thing'...She even..yes..EVEN..SAT on the rubbish dump alongside 'it'...

What a WOMAN!!!!!!!!

God, but my respect for her went up a thousand fold that day!!

Anyway, in her kindness, she asked people to give donations to help this kid have a different life, but hell, we all know they love that kind of life, don't we, so what's the point in giving our hard-earned money to kids like that...when we can spend it on Designer Clothes, which are, let's face it, an absolute MUST HAVE if you want to be accepted as a REALLY INTELLIGENT and SUCCESSFUL person over here in The West...

Posh amazed me yet again though when she returned home just a days later, for instead of staying indoors, getting ready to sell her palatial home, or auction off some of Darlingy David's numerous cars, she gritted her teeth, got out her BEST and NEWEST Designer Bags and showed the world how to really behave! Not only that, but she was photographed a lot that week, and each time she had a new Designer Bag on her shoulder, ones that cost a FORTUNE!

Yay!!!! Go get 'em Posh!!!!!!!

And now, of course, she has her own Designer Label, where she sells **heavenly** clothes to all the rich and famous...and I'm tellin' yer, I'm savin' up for one of her dresses..or maybe even a pair of stone-washed jeans, 'cos I bet she might possibly use the best Little Urchins in the world so that she can give them a bit of money to take back to their lazy mothers who might just buy them a bar of soap!

Yup, she's the Designer Woman for me!