The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26047   Message #311987
Posted By: John J
04-Oct-00 - 12:55 PM
Thread Name: Local Radio Folk Programmes
Subject: RE: Local Radio Folk Programmes
Re: Radio Maldwyn, it's audible in S Manchester, but not brilliantly. If you have a decent receiver with a decent (outside) aerial, it's fine. I can hear it on my car radio depending on the time of year. Propogation at that frequency (738khz I think) varies tremendously with time of day / year. If you have problems with interference from stations on the same frequency, it may be possible to 'null out' the offending station if you have a DECENT portable radio which will have an internal directional aerial. To help with medium wave reception, keep your radio well away from TVs and computers, better still make sure they're switched off. The amount of radio frequency crud they generate is phenomenal (and often illegal). If you ever get over to Britanny, there is a local FM station playing loads of celtic / breton stuff nearly all the time. I loved it. My kids weren't too keen! Good luck, and good listening. John