The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26054   Message #312036
Posted By: mousethief
04-Oct-00 - 02:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Creation v Evolution Part II
Subject: RE: BS: Creation v Evolution Part II
Penny, did you read that page? Did you understand it? I sure didn't. Yeesh. Somebody should teach this guy about the nature of popularized science writing.

I do know the writer is at least part idiot, because he thinks the question about the tree falling in the forest is whether it really falls, when in fact the question is DOES IT MAKE A NOISE?

I had forgotten about the anthropic principle. I guess there are some that think the universe was somehow created for humans. It's a bogus argument though; if there weren't humans we wouldn't be arguing the question; therefore the question could only arise in a universe in which all the constants are exactly right for sentient life. For all we know there are a zillion parallel universes in which the constants aren't right. And in those universes there are no people asking questions about whether the universe was created just for them. Ergo, the anthropic principle begs the question. It's circular.

Anyway, I stand corrected on the question of whether there are people who think the universe was created just for humankind. Thanks, Penny.
