The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136657   Message #3121889
Posted By: MGM·Lion
26-Mar-11 - 08:06 AM
Thread Name: Has morris become mere 'fun'?
Subject: Has morris become mere 'fun'?
I am not a morris man; but I have known many in my time. I would particularly instance Arthur Peck and Russell Wortley, both Cambridge academics, both also in their time bagman and squire for the Cambridge morris; both born before WWi and dying 1970s-80s. Russell literally died dancing ~~ he was the 'Betty', and his widow was relieved that they got his dress off. After Arthur's memorial service in Christ's College Chapel, the men were invited by the Master to dance on the sacred grass of the First Court.

They were older men than me ~~ of the previous generation, indeed. And, for all their doing the "Betty" bit or the Hobby-Horse in their turn, they took the morris seriously ~~ not over-earnestly, but seriously. They would never have regarded it as 'just a bit of fun', or approached it in a manner suggesting an expectation of being, if not actually mocked, at least of being regarded as a bit 'odd' or 'off'.

But, from the reception I got from most on the ongoing Morris Men Wanted For Pimms Ad thread, on my suggesting it might be the best thing for any self-respecting morrisman to stay clear of because the object was sure to be to send them up disrespectfully, I got the impression that that was what today's men expected ~~ and not only expected, but would actually welcome; because, it seemed to me, the present generation regard the whole thing as just a bit of tongue-in-cheek fun which they themselves do not regard with any sort of seriousness.

Is this indeed the case? Am I just a lone voice crying from a distant past? Does no-one else out there realise there was a time the morris was regarded as a glory of our tradition? ~ to be enjoyed, indeed - not with an inappropriate over-earnestness, but with respect; and not to be wilfully and consciously sent up for the delectation of a grinning and contemptuous populace, with a sort of attitude of "yes, we know it's all a bit silly so smile all you like" (which, unless I have misunderstood, from the obloquy and hatred I seem to have incurred on that other thread) appears to be the overriding attitude among today's sides.

Once again ~ is that indeed the case, or have I misread the signs or misremembered the past.? And, if it is so, does anyone else out there regret it?
