The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136623   Message #3122062
Posted By: Mooh
26-Mar-11 - 01:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canada Election
Subject: RE: BS: Canada Election
Ed T...I wouldn't know, I came to that conclusion before the guy even became liberal leader, but when Iggy is on record saying so many pro-American things, I wonder if Trudeau is rolling in his grave.

Crowhugger...Agreed, the NDP have (though sluggishly) moved too far to the right for my tastes. There is no party that represents my interests, the NDP come closest and I trust Layton so that's enough for me, for now. I'm pretty socialist by nature.

It's not just that Harpy may be contemptuous, and I do believe he is, but that those who get sucked along in his wake may be worse, like Baird and Flaherty. That Baird sure has the prissy self-righteous whine down to a fine art; Flaherty looks as condescending as any politician I've seen; and Harper is as dismissive as ever, all of which paints them as caricatures rather than men of character.

All that aside, are there no leaders like Broadbent and Douglas any more?

Peace, Mooh.