The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136623   Message #3122204
Posted By: Sandy Mc Lean
26-Mar-11 - 04:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canada Election
Subject: RE: BS: Canada Election
Harper has been shown to have no respect for Parliament. Sadly over the years Parliament has become only a forum to count noses to maintain power. Harper insists that the noses of his MP's are brown from being firmly planted in his arse. Bill Casey was kicked out of caucus for having the audacity to represent his electorate. Harper shut down Parliament to maintain his hold on power. A study of German history will show Hitler using a similar trick when he had a minority. Of course Hitler had nothing but contempt for the opposition and used propaganda to demean anyone who stood in his way. The scary part is that a lot of the German people of the day believed his bullshit! I am not calling Harper a Nazi but some tactics like his attack ads sure as hell don't make him democratic or patriotic in my estimation. I do fear that enough people will believe his bullshit to elect him with a majority. That could be the end of what we hold dear as Canadians like universal health care. He is simply not worth the risk!