The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136620   Message #3122245
Posted By: josepp
26-Mar-11 - 05:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fired for not believing in hell
Subject: RE: BS: Fired for not believing in hell
///Jay Leno asked a woman if she knew the name of the ship that brought the Pilgrims to America and she had no clue. He gave her a hint, "It is also the name of a famous moving company." She replied "U HAUL"?///

I understand that they only show the shockingly stupid responses but how could anyone think Lincoln lived in the 20th century?? The local news did something similar a few years back--they had a newscaster go around on 4th of July to people gathered to watch the fireworks that night and have them sing the first verse of the Star-Spangled Banner. Oh my god!! I don't know if they thought it would turn out like a Jaywalking segment but, boy, did it ever. These are Americans and they can't sing their own national anthem. Yet they vote. Once he asked an 18-year-old woman what were the Twin Cities. She had no idea. So he said that they're in Minnesota. She couldn't even guess a wrong city--no clue at all. "What about the Olsen Twins" asked Leno, "Ever heard of them?" Her face brightened immediately: "Oh, yeah! Mary Kate and Ashley!" she said as though she was sure to get points for that one.

I was in an art museum once and there was this big painting showing the Immaculate Conception and a mother was explaining to her daughter, who looked to be about 10, what the Immaculate Conception was all about. "Is that story really true?" the girl asked.

"Of course, it's true!" the mother scolded her. I had to bite my tongue and just keep walking. What's funny was that a child knows there's something wrong with the story and an adult doesn't. Sometimes I wonder if a crazed gunman opened fire and killed some of these people if that would really be much of a tragedy. Seems far more of a tragedy that they were ever born.