The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136632   Message #3122437
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
27-Mar-11 - 03:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mad march in London
Subject: RE: BS: Mad march in London
ake, there will be no need for violence. This march is just the start, the 'warming up' if you like to call it that. It's the snowball starting to roll down the mountain....

It will create an avalanche, rest assured.

The 'greed and selfishness' of which you speak played some part in all of this, but please remember that two generations have now been 'edukated' to be nothing more than consumers. They know no better because they have been encouraged, or even brain-washed, into shallow thinking and thoughts that merely encompass material items, the next 'must have'....

Those who were on that march think differently...and it's their anger, ours too, all who couldn't attend, which is now starting to change the way people think, the way the look at things...that, coupled with their way of life starting to change so dramatically.

This isn't just a UK situation though, it's a World Situation. It will be the biggest upheaval, the biggest meltdown, the biggest re-distribution of wealth, of thought, of spirituality, that this planet has ever seen. The ride is going to be tough, tougher than most people even want to think about....

This isn't just a worldwide recession, it's a worldwide financial and spiritual tsunami, which will leave havoc in its wake, sadly. But from the damage of these recessional waves will hopefully rise The Phoenix of Mankind.

I think most people around the world could tolerate going back to a much more basic way of life, a far more streamlined way of life, but only if we are all in it together, in an equal way, in equal shares...and it is the horrendous inequality that is so apparent and transparent at the moment, that will cause those devastating waves to swishswash around in a whirlpool of torment, until eventually the storm begins to subside.

Sadly, there will be violence, but please, don't add to it by asking for it. Don't ache to see it. Ache to see the solution to this, to see the answer finally laid before us all...

Ghandi achieved much with his peaceful demonstrations, as did all of those who took over their city centres during the Poll Tax situation. These marches need to become local, in every city centre, in every town, so that politicians, councillors, bankers, all who have been less than honest, can see that no longer do they have a dumbed down population that can ride roughshod over, but they have an intelligent, enlightend and very angry mass of people who are no longer prepared to be treated like brainless proles.....

I can understand anyone 'losing it'...especially if they have lost everything, their job, their home, the family..Some people are having to endure horrendous times at the moment, with no hope of help on the horizon. We all have to be that help, we all have to start reaching out to each other, as people used to do so long ago, before the madness of the present world overtook and over-ran everything...

Change is coming...