The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26145   Message #312331
Posted By: bbelle
04-Oct-00 - 07:16 PM
I love bluegrass ... I love to sing, play it, and listen and watch others sing and play it. I love the old tunes and the new tunes. And I like most of the people I've met who feel the same as I.

I have wondered for a while, though, as to what makes a bluegrass tune a bluegrass tune?

Is it the way a tune is written?

Is it the lyrics or the music or both?

Is it the way it's sung or played?

Can you take any tune and make it into a bluegrass tune by following a simple formula?

Never having been one to be wishy-washy, I certainly have my own ideas on the above, but I'd like to hear yours.
