The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26141   Message #312389
Posted By: Troll
04-Oct-00 - 08:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chemical antidepressants -- yea or nay?
Subject: RE: BS: Chemical antidepressants -- yea or nay?
I tried willpower and self-medicated myself with booze and such for a large portion of my life. I credit chemicals and a caring and understanding family and group of physicians for the fact that I am still alive and that I have not physically harmed anyone in the last few years.
I am not "cured". I function-sometimes barely-but I function.And thats something, people. You don't know what it means to walk out to the mailbox until you can't
Right now posting is about as much contact as I can stand. But it gets better, little by little. There are good days (weeks, months) and bad. But the highs are not as high and the lows are not as low and sometimes I can love back a little.
