The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3125684
Posted By: Jim Carroll
31-Mar-11 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"There was only one point, and I answered it."
No there wasn't and you answered none of them - and I'm not counting the ones others have asked you throughout the thread which you have dodged.
We do seem to be reaching one point of agreement though, that you are incapable of thinking outside of your cut-'n-paste box.
"Counting my posts!"
Took me as long as it takes to count up to 168 and subtract it from your total postings from your first posting on the subject in hand (certainly less than 4 minutes) - if you think it took longer you really should learn to use your computer!
"Do you not think that a bit irrationally obsessive Jim?"
Nope - 535 postings on a subject you admit you know nothing about is obsessive, 4 minutes is just diligent
"As was pasting up 6 pages...."n
Again, a diligent use of the search engine and it was done in no time at all - and certainly well worth the effort; it's not often that you see that much naked hatred and contempt gathered together in six posts, is it - bit difficult on the stomach though!
".....of my completely innocuous posts."
Innocuous - matter of opinon - I found depicting the British Pakistani people as cultrual paedophiles fairly revolting really - takes all sorts I suppose!!
"Or counting how many times I mentioned Straw. (43)"
Again - search engine and around three minutes - and wasn't it well worth it to witness the panic when you couldn't decide what excuse for editing what he had to say to stick with - I counted at least three - and when he dropped from number one to number ten in your hit parade.....magic - you don't get that with Mastercard!!
Certainly none of these took me anything like as long as it took you to find Straw's quote, read it (you must have read that one to edit out the awkward bits), and remove the contradictions.
I can see we're not going to get anywhere in asking you to read, digest and qualify you cut-'n-pastes - maybe later; perhaps when you've slept on it.....?
Jim Carroll