The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136828   Message #3127188
Posted By: Jeri
02-Apr-11 - 06:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Non Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Non Muslim prejudice
Irony. Non-Muslim prejudice is evidenced by Muslims killing people because they feel insulted? That's the problem with the Muslim extremists in the first place. That "I cut off my sister's ear because she said my shoes were ugly" (she MADE me do it) garbage didn't get us out of trouble when we were kids. It doesn't work with most justice systems I can think of, and the idea that it would is ludicrous.

The prick in Florida was, and is, a prick, but he's not guilty of what others do. If we in the US can burn flags and books of all sorts, if ass-hats on Fox news can constantly denigrate our President, and if we can demonstrate against government policies IN government buildings, a prick burning a Koran is within his rights. After all, he didn't cut off anybody's head. I DO hope karma gets him, though.