The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136828   Message #3127332
Posted By: Backwoodsman
03-Apr-11 - 01:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Non Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Non Muslim prejudice
He's either (a) a publicity-seeking fuckwit or, (b) an extremely dangerous man.

I'm not sure which, other than to say that anyone with more than a single functioning brain-cell must realise that deliberately and publically 'insulting' a religion which, everyone knows, is on a very short fuse indeed, is a very dangerous thing to do and will result in a rapid and disproportionate response from its followers.

The comparison of that response to the likely reaction of Christians to the hypothetical burning of a Bible doesn't hold water in today's world - Christianity is a comparatively mature religion in comparison with Islam and, generally speaking, its teachings and the attitudes of its followers, not to mention its political intentions and methods, have matured too - sufficiently such that it can turn a blind eye to such provocation, shrug its collective shoulders and say, "Ho-hum". But if we go back a few hundred years that certainly was not the case and Christians' behaviour towards non-Christians, or even towards fellow Christians who were felt not to be "Christian enough", was just as reactive and bloodthirsty as anything we see today from the extreme elements within Islam (who, undoubtedly, were influencing, if not controlling, the actions of the protesters and beheaders in Afghanistan).

So maybe its best all round if "Christians" like Pastor Jones remember the message in Matthew 7:3 - "And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?", and STFU.

Thankfully, Pastor Jones is not typical of Christians, at least of the Christians I know.

And in writing this, I've reached the conclusion that he's both (a) and (b) - he's a Very Dangerous, Publicity-Seeking Fuckwit.

Disclaimers - IMHO, YMMV etc.