The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136828   Message #3127884
Posted By: GUEST,Dave the gnome sans biscuit for some reason.
03-Apr-11 - 06:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Non Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Non Muslim prejudice
"Christianity is a comparatively mature religion in comparison with Islam "

Who says? It is historically grossly unjust.

Do you mean who says that Christianity is more mature than Islam? Duuuh - Most historians ascribe the beginning of Islam during the lifetime of the Prophet Mohammed who lived during the 6th and 7th Centuries, from 570 to 632 A.D. If you can't figure that out, this makes christianty around 500 years older than islam. Which I think pretty much answers your question.

If however, you are saying that maturity does not equate to age then please give us an example of what you mean by maturity. Is it no longer stoning the alduteress to death while the aldulterer goes free? Or maybe it is not allowing half the population basic freedom? If that is being more mature than I thank whatever powers there happen to be that I am still in the sandbox.
