The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136853   Message #3129136
Posted By: GUEST,Don McBride
05-Apr-11 - 01:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: April Fools 'joke' goes badly awry!
Subject: RE: BS: April Fools 'joke' goes badly awry!
Look here, bolthole, this is my baby brother you are talkin' about, so watch it! This is McBride blood you are slanderin' here. We don't flippin' take kindly to that, got it? You take it right back to the old country, Ireland, and you will find it the same that us McBrides do not ferget a insult and we will flippin' carry the vendetta as long as their is a single fliphead left standin' on the other side of that line! You just better shut yer damn trap, eh? Don't get me mad!

It is true that Shane ain't the briteist bulb in the store, eh? I know that. But there is no call fer talkin' the way you did about him. If you was here I would kick yer ass, buddy.

I got no worries about Shane bein' in the can. What the flip, he has been in the can at least 50 times allready, eh? And it don't change him. Shane can flippin' swim in them waters like a fish, man. He knows half the people in there fer flip's sake! I remember the time when we was both in the can and Snake tried ta kill me with one of them home made knvies and Shane went nuts and put a hammerlock on that motherflipper and pounded him down to the floor. It was a brother's love for a brother that done it. I would not call Shane brave under most circlestanses...but when his brother's life was on the line Shane stepped up to the flippin' plate and hit a flippin' home run!

Ain't no one gonna ferget that. Snake does not mess with Shane and ain't no one else going to either. If they do, they are dead meat. Trust me on this.

Now apololgize!

You hearn me. Apologize.

I am waitin'.

- Don