The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136964   Message #3130457
Posted By: GUEST,Patsy
07-Apr-11 - 09:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bullying
Subject: RE: BS: Bullying
I work in an environment that does not allow bullying in any form luckily or anything that contravenes the Diversity Act, it is such a good feeling that I can arrive every day happy knowing that someone is not going to make life hell for me. But I have experienced the opposite at school, in my early career and from an ex-spouse.

Corporate Punishment at school can't have worked in my experience as far as bullying goes. It made some children more deceitful with their tactics becoming revengeful again towards the victim. The only relief was actually leaving school only to come across another bully later but with this particular girl I bided my time until she herself left to go to another job. After that the rest of my single life got better.

The trouble with bullying it is in so many forms, girl bullying for instance can be hard to tackle and especially in this way by physical punishment as it tends to be bitchy. But however it is tackled in schools today the difference now is because of news coverage and programmes depicting gun and knife culture the schools can't always know how it will all turn out if or when they do tackle it.

The diversity policy works in here and could be used to teach parents and children in the same way followed up by frequent quizzes. The only thing I worry about is that children like to let off steam sometimes and it could get to a situation where they grow up shying away from wanting to confront anyone about anything.