The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136964   Message #3130771
Posted By: Jeri
07-Apr-11 - 03:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bullying
Subject: RE: BS: Bullying
For better or worse, my history has made me who I am. It's made me overly sensitive to some things and very strong in some areas. I don't trust people easily, but I also see people and look for that vulnerable little kid we all still have somewhere inside us.

I know I've told the story before, but...
One of my bullies was a neighborhood bully, not a school bully. Kids from the elementary school would get off the bus and walk as far as a mile (that was me) home. This kid was older and bigger than all the other kids on my street, and he used to pick on all of us. I mostly didn't say anything, but my parents got the story out of me. They asked why I didn't fight back, and I told them I didn't think I was supposed to fight, that I would get into trouble. Dad & Mom agreed that, while I shouldn't start a fight, it was OK to fight back to stop one.

One time, walking home from school, he started in. I ran into a neighbor's yard, with him chasing me, and then realized what I was doing and stopped. I turned around, and he laughed at me and said something like "You better run, or I'll hit you."

I said, "Go ahead" and stood there. I would have let him too, if only so I could clock him. He took a swing (with an open hand) and... missed. I said "Try again." He missed again. Then, I stepped forward, and with both hands, shoved him, whereupon he fell on his sit-upon. He actually STAYED there, and I said, "No more!" and walked away.

He never bothered me again, and when I walked home from school, I made sure he didn't pick on the smaller kids.

Now, as far as what makes kids bullies, I don't agree there has to be something wrong at home or with them. Everybody likes to feel accepted and important, and bullies get those things through dominating other kids. I lost touch with him after high school, buthe person in this anecdote of mine grew up to be a good guy, and was someone I ended up respecting.

I believe kids bully because they can.