The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136964   Message #3130924
Posted By: Bill D
07-Apr-11 - 07:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bullying
Subject: RE: BS: Bullying
My one serious interaction with a bully was, in the end, fun..

I walked home from 6th grade in the same general direction of two of the most popular & 'cool' guys in class... and Billy the Bully also.

Billy was a spoiled 'rich' kid who had been in military school for awhile. On 2-3 occasions the tried to provoke me about something... I can't remember what. I was not a fighter, and was a skinny little kid who had just moved there. The two 'cool' guys didn't bother me...I think I barely registered on their radar....but Billy seemed to think he could gain some sort of status if he... ummm.. picked a fight with me and/or pushed me around.

   Finally one day, about a block from school, we were all 'together' and he began harassing me and calling me names while the others watched in amusement ....just generally trying to start something that HE would finish. What he didn't know was that I often wrestled with my own brother in semi-serious tussles.
So.... Billy finally saw that I wasn't gonna respond to dares and words, and he kinda grabbed/pushed at me. I just shoved my right arm under his left, behind his neck & shoulders, and with a sort of 'half-nelson' twist, pushed and twisted until he was down in the grass on his face with me on top and his left arm shoved up I learned with my brother.

    He yelled.."Mama!"..... and I got up and walked away while the guys grinned. Funny... I never had another bit of trouble with 'ol Billy.

Too bad others who were bullied never had my luck and 'practice' wrestling....
I think every school year up to high school should begin with a mandatory session where the school administrators spell out what bullying is, and make it clear that it will NOT be tolerated.......then follow up.