The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136964   Message #3131037
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-Apr-11 - 11:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bullying
Subject: RE: BS: Bullying
Yeah, sure some kids attract bullies...I've seen that over and over again. I was one of those kids. They attract bullies merely because they appear to be vulnerable, and that's what a bully is looking for, someone who's vulnerable.

Even in young adult life I drew some attention from bully types, because I was not an aggressive person, I was also not much for conforming to the styles of the time, therefore I tended to attract attention from certain toxic personalities who were looking for someone to persecute.

The same thing happens with animals, on a bit simpler level, and I've seen it with cats, dogs, and when I took care of a herd of goats. Certain more pacifisic types got victimized by the dominant animals. It also happens in mental institutions as well as in schools, and it's something the staff in those instituions must make stringent efforts to control. I've witnessed that too. The bullies will usually make their move when there's no staff around, and they wait for the opportunity to do so.

This in no way makes any kind of excuse for the perpetrators or the collaborators. In fact, it makes them all the much guiltier for their bullying behaviour in my opinion...or their tacit support of it.