The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136964   Message #3131049
Posted By: JennieG
08-Apr-11 - 12:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bullying
Subject: RE: BS: Bullying
Much is being said these days about bullying in childhood and teen-hood (is there such a word? there ought to be) but bullying by adults, to other adults, is just as prevalent if not more so. Ten years ago I left a job because of persistent bullying by my supervisor. He was one of those bullies who constantly chip away at the self-esteem of others, and because of the culture of that workplace (a Catholic parochial school) I, a non-Catholic and a female to boot, was unable to change anything. I so dreaded going to work that one day on my daily commute I was thinking how easy it would be to pull the steering wheel over and drive under the large truck that was in the next lane....that's when I knew the time had come to leave.

Then of course there are parents who bully their own children, who use their position as parents and adults to treat their children in a way they would never treat a fellow adult. Not only teachers bully children.

All I am going to say is, I was glad I left childhood behind.
