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Thread #136956   Message #3131477
Posted By: Little Hawk
08-Apr-11 - 03:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Glenn Beck to leave his Fox TV show
Subject: RE: BS: Glenn Beck to leave his Fox TV show
I think it may well have been, Wesley, but I can't say I know for sure. It might have been a combination of an "inside job" and an "outside job". There are all kinds of possibilities about that.

I consider the official version of 911 to be one among a large number of popular and not-so-popular conspiracy theories regarding those events. Which one of them is the most accurate, I can't say, as I am not in a position to have certainty about such matters. ;-) Nor is anyone else here. At any rate, there most definitely was a conspiracy behind the 911 attacks...therefore EVERY existing theory about it IS a conspiracy theory, including that put forth by the government and the 911 Commission.

What I was saying in my previous post was that GUEST thinks ALL conspiracy theorists are out to get the Jews. That's interesting. It reminds me of Hitler, who thought that ALL Jews were out to get everybody else. Seems like a similarly paranoid viewpoint on things to me, only from the diametrically opposite angle.

I don't buy it in either case.