The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136973   Message #3131498
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
08-Apr-11 - 03:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Government Shitdown
Subject: RE: BS: The Government Shitdown
Dear Gilboof Bongtoddle

Apparently the Democrats (the evil bloodsucking left wing pinko commies socialists/liberals) passed a bill in the Upper house (from what sense I can make out) saying that fed pollies will not be paid in the case of a shutdown, but the Republican (the evil blood sucking right wing fascists liberals) dominated lower house refused to accept and pass it. So Fed pollies get paid. Several have said they will donate their salary for such a period to various charities, but have been criticized by other fed pollies who will be keeping their salary for being 'only the grandstanding rich'. You piratically HAVE to be a millionaire - or be able to wangle such levels of funding - to get into US politics anyhow, so they must ALL be 'rich', by definition!

Definitely a broken society, caused by self greed overall - a few good men still exist, abut as an OT character found, there may not be enough to stop the total destruction of the society ... :-).

Go back home mate, and keep your phaserfusionconversionlaser weapons primed. If they recover (they played this game of bluff in about 1995, I think - everybody lost then too!), they will come after you.