The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3132731
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
10-Apr-11 - 08:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
""They were made by people who know more about this crime than all of us put together.""

Says who?   YOU?

""He thinks I should be like him, and go blundering into a serious and sensitive subject with preconceived opinions and a closed mind.""

No Keith, he thinks you DID JUST EXACTLY THAT, and he is RIGHT!

You saw a group of people buying into what you already thought of British Pakistanis, and it was an opportunity you couldn't resist.

You blindly accepted both their qualifications to pronounce on the matter, and the interpretation they placed on these events.

You were too lazy to go into the full detail of everything they actually said, choosing instead to put the worst possible construction on it, and formulating your own theory (way beyond theirs) which you have defended tooth and nail, ignoring all evidence to the contrary.

The total population of Pakistanis in the affected area is just 40 percent of the number nationwide, so any figure must be divided by 2.5 if you are relating it to British Pakistanis as a culture.

Also (for the umpteenth time), street grooming has always happened, with young girls (often runaways) being seduced into the sex trade. It is not a new phenomenon, and has existed since long before the first Pakistani got off the boat in England..

I suggest that you expand your reading beyond the Daily Mail, and peruse some of the books on the subject at your local library. It will, I promise, be an education.

Don T.

Of course I know you'll do no such thing because it might force you to admit you are wrong, and you aren't capable of admitting that, even to yourself.