The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136806   Message #3132845
Posted By: mouldy
11-Apr-11 - 03:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Spring Declutter & Exercise, April 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Spring Declutter & Exercise, April 2011
In the UK a "super-soaker" is a commonly used cat deterrent. The only trouble is that you have to be on guard all the time. There are some gel pellets called "scent-off" which I used to keep the dogs off the lawn worked on one of them!
When I had a problem with local cats, it soon stopped when I got a dog! I have my own cat now, and he keeps his "business" to a patch near the wall. The problem I had at my last house was another cat, which was terrorising mine, and caused several visit to the vet.

We had about 20C yesterday, even up here in Northumberland, so I sprinkled some Night-scented Stocks along the edge, and I may put the chard in. Once it's up and established it is usually frost-proof.

Got the final builder's price's £10k less than the other. I have to sit down and see who is including what, although I don't think there's much to choose between them on that. I also need to start and badger the county archaeology dept for their advice again. I'm not allowed to start work until their is a survey plan in writing, even if it will only turn out to be a "watching brief", ie an archaeologist hanging about while the digging is done, in case something turns up!

I have decided I need to seriously shrink my midriff. I had better try swimming, I think. Trouble is, it's a 30 mile round trip to a pool. Of course, there is also the North Sea....Brrrr!
