The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137051   Message #3133559
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
12-Apr-11 - 06:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: A Global Strike By All Of Us - July 15th
Subject: RE: BS: A Global Strike By All Of Us - July 15th
Here's a novel idea, Lizzie - although I realise that by making it I may be laying myself open to accusations of sexism!

I live in a big northern city. When I moved here, nearly 40 years ago, there were some big department stores in the city centre and numerous smaller shops and cafes. Since then the centre has been extensively 're-developed'. Now we have lots of gleaming glass and steel office blocks (many of which seem to be empty), an enormous covered shopping centre and several other shopping centres - many of which seem to be 'white elephants'. Smaller, more specialist shops, are now few and far between. This is probably because only the big chains can afford the rents.

But I can't help noticing that there seem to be, almost literally, millions of square feet devoted to selling women's clothes! Could it be that it is women who, if they only stopped to think about it, have a weapon in their purses to change the world. All they would have to do is to stop buying so many clothes!